How to filter lead from water?

ITEHIL Portable Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier

Lead is one of the heavy metals. Long-term drinking of drinking water with high lead content will impact health. Water filters are the most effective way to remove lead from water. So, what types of water filters should people choose? In this article, you will learn how to remove lead from water, how to detect lead in water, and what harm lead does to the body.

Quick Facts About Lead in Water

  • Many older buildings may still have lead pipes or lead solder in their plumbing systems.
  • Some older faucets or pipe fittings contain lead, especially in homes installed before 1986.
  • High acidity or mineral content in water can accelerate the corrosion of pipes, leading to lead entering drinking water.

What causes lead in drinking water?

The water source itself may be a source of lead contamination. Groundwater or surface water in some areas may contain high concentrations of lead. This may be due to historical industrial activities, traffic emissions, or agricultural activities. These pollutants may penetrate the groundwater with rainwater, affecting the water quality of the water supply system.

The pipes and facilities of the water supply system may also be a way for lead to enter tap water. In the past, many cities used lead-containing metal materials such as lead pipes and lead-bismuth alloy pipes for water supply pipes. Although most cities have now phased out these lead-containing materials, lead pipes may still exist in some old communities or rural areas. When these pipes age, corrode, or are damaged, lead may enter the water body, causing excessive lead content in tap water.

Lead contamination may also occur during the treatment process of tap water. Some water treatment facilities may use lead-containing materials or equipment, such as lead valves and pumps. If this equipment is not properly maintained or leaking, lead may enter the water body. In addition, some chemicals used in the treatment process may also react with lead, causing lead precipitation and contamination.

Is lead in water bad for you?

Lead in water is very harmful to the body, especially to pregnant women, infants, and young children. Since lead is a toxic heavy metal, long-term drinking of drinking water containing concentrated lead can cause serious damage to the brain, red blood cells, and kidneys. Therefore, it is crucial to minimize the lead content in drinking water.

According to the US NRDC, lead pipes distributed in all 50 states in the United States (including those that claim to be lead-free) may contain lead, which may directly affect 22 million people or more.

How to Remove Lead from Water

Two methods can effectively remove lead from water:

Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System: Reverse osmosis (RO) is a very efficient water filtration method that mainly removes all contaminants in water, including lead, through a semi-permeable membrane, with a removal rate of up to 99%. This method is very suitable for home and outdoor use and is economical and affordable. You only need to replace the water filter cartridge and clean the equipment regularly. It is recommended to use the ITEHIL portable reverse osmosis water filtration system, which uses PP cotton + activated carbon and RO membrane multiple filtration. It is portable and can filter any fresh water source. It is suitable for outdoor and home use.

Related: How does a reverse osmosis work?

Distillation: It mainly removes lead and other heavy metal impurities from water by heating water to boiling and then condensing steam. However, this method is not very suitable for ordinary household use.

In addition to the above two methods, you can also replace older water supply pipes. Because most household water supply pipes in the United States are made of lead, you can replace the pipes regularly. Or replace the pipe materials that do not contain lead. Through these methods, lead in water can be effectively removed to ensure healthy and safe drinking water.

Does boiling water get rid of lead?

No, boiling water does not remove lead from water. Boiling water not only does not reduce the amount of lead in the water, it may increase the concentration of lead by evaporating the water. Lead is a heavy metal that does not evaporate at high temperatures, so the lead in the water will still be there after the water is boiled.

To effectively filter lead from the water, you should use a water filter, such as a reverse osmosis water filter or an activated carbon water filter. Boiling water can kill germs, but it does not remove heavy metals such as lead.

How to Test for Lead in Water

There are several main methods for testing whether there is lead in water:

Field sampling method: Select the water sample to be tested and collect the water sample in a lead-free container. This method is the most common method for testing the lead content in water.

Certified laboratory testing: Send the collected water samples to a local certified laboratory, which will use special equipment to determine the lead content in the water. This method is the most accurate.

Use a test kit: The test kit contains special reagents that can react with lead ions in the water and produce color changes. Based on the degree of color change, the lead content in the water can be determined. Using a test kit can quickly get a preliminary result, but the accuracy may be relatively low. This method can be tested simply at home.

What other heavy metals are in your water?

According to the U.S. EPA, heavy metals include arsenic, antimony, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, selenium, etc. People who ingest large amounts of heavy metals are at risk of acute and chronic toxicity, liver, kidney, and intestinal damage, anemia, and cancer.

Prevention Tips

Taking appropriate precautions can also reduce the amount of lead in drinking water. Here are four ways:

  • If you haven't used the faucet for a long time, you can open the faucet rinse it for a few minutes, and then wait until the water cools down before using it.
  • You need to use cold water for cooking because hot water dissolves lead in pipes.
  • You need to test the quality of your drinking water regularly. Water testing centers can help you take appropriate measures to ensure that your drinking water is safe.
  • You can consider installing a certified RO water filtration system, which can remove almost all impurities and contaminants from the water.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to remove lead from water?

You can use reverse osmosis systems, distillation, ion exchange, and other methods, all of which are effective in filtering lead from water.

Does a charcoal filter remove lead?

Yes. The porous structure of charcoal helps to absorb harmful substances, such as lead, chlorine, etc., while also retaining beneficial trace elements.

Does bottled water have lead?

No, most bottled water does not contain lead. Bottled water goes through multiple stages of filtration to remove contaminants from the water while retaining the minerals that our bodies need. However, studies have shown that microplastic particles have been detected in many bottled water samples.

Do water softeners remove lead?

Water softener is mainly used to remove minerals such as calcium and magnesium from water to prevent the formation of scale and make the water soft, but it cannot remove or filter lead from water.


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