Bottled Water vs Filtered Water: Which is Better for You?

ITEHIL portable water filtration systems

There is an increasing range of drinking water options, including bottled, filtered, and tap water. While bottled water may taste better, it is not the best drinking water solution. You should consider choosing a water filtration system to drink higher quality water. In this article, you will learn about what filtered water is, the pros and cons of bottled water and filtered water, and more.

What is filtered water?

You can filter water using physical, chemical, or biological methods, which can remove or reduce impurities in the water. To ensure safer water quality. Each process can remove certain types of impurities. However, the effect of each filtration method in removing impurities is different.

The most common water filtration method is reverse osmosis filtration, which removes impurities such as dissolved solids, macromolecular organic matter, microorganisms, viruses, bacteria, heavy metals, etc. from water through a series of filtration and separation steps. To obtain the purest filtered water. For example, the ITEHIL portable water filtration systems can remove 99.99% of pollutants in water and is equipped with an electric self-priming pump, providing 17 fluid ounces and 500 milliliters of drinking water per minute. It is a very efficient water filtration system.

Common Types of Water Filters

There are many types of water filters, but there are only a few common types of water filters, and each type of water filter has different filtering technology and uses. You need to choose the type of water filter according to your needs. The following are several common types of water filters:

Activated carbon water filter

It mainly removes suspended particles, chlorine, odor, heavy metals (iron, lead, mercury), organic matter (including organic solvents, pesticide residues), etc. in water through adsorption. However, it cannot remove dissolved heavy metals and microorganisms. It can improve the taste of water quality.

Reverse Osmosis Water Filter

It mainly removes heavy metals, bacteria, viruses, minerals, and other dissolved contaminants through a semi-permeable membrane. It can remove most harmful substances in the water, such as heavy metals and chemical contaminants. However, it also removes minerals in the water. The human body can replenish minerals independently of the water quality. Appropriate minerals can be taken in through diet. Therefore, reverse osmosis is the most popular water filter and is very suitable for filtering poor water quality.

However, if you filter poor water quality for a long time, you need to clean your reverse osmosis membrane regularly. If you find that the filtering effect of the reverse osmosis system has decreased significantly during the process of filtering the water quality, you should replace the water filter cartridge immediately to ensure the efficient operation of the reverse osmosis system.

UV Water Filter

By irradiating water with ultraviolet light, it destroys the DNA of bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms to achieve a sterilization effect. However, it cannot remove chemical pollutants or heavy metals in the water.

Ultrafiltration Water Filter

Removes suspended particles, bacteria, and viruses from the water through an ultrafiltration membrane. Although ultrafiltration can remove large molecules from the water, it cannot remove small molecules from the water. It also cannot remove dissolved chemical pollutants and heavy metals. But it will retain the minerals in the water.

Ceramic water filter

Water passes through a porous ceramic filter element, which can remove bacteria, parasites, and suspended particles in the water. However, the filtration speed is slow, and chemical pollutants and dissolved heavy metals cannot be removed.

Ion exchange water filter

Using ion exchange resin to remove calcium and magnesium ions in water can reduce the hardness of water, thereby achieving the effect of softening water. However, it cannot remove harmful chemicals and microorganisms.

Is there any benefit to drinking filtered water?

  • Healthy drinking water: Most water filters can remove harmful impurities from water. This ensures that drinking water is clean and safe.
  • Improved taste: Chlorine and other chemicals in tap water may affect the taste and smell of water. Activated carbon filters can make tap water taste fresher and provide a better drinking experience.
  • Reduced reliance on bottled water: Filtered water is usually more economical than buying bottled water in the long term, helps reduce plastic pollution, and is a sustainable choice.
  • Protect home appliances: Filtered water can reduce scale formation and reduce the maintenance requirements of home appliances.

Where does bottled water come from?

Bottled water comes from many sources, and while some bottled water brands can tell you more from the label, many bottled waters can mislead consumers, such as where the bottled water comes from and how it is processed. According to the Minnesota government website, many bottled waters may come from the same sources as tap water. The bottled water you buy may come from some form of filtered tap water, such as to increase the mineral content. The website also points out that other sources of bottled water may include spring water, well water, and surface water.

Is it safe to drink bottled water?

Although the US FDA has set standards for bottled water, many bottled water bottles use different treatment methods and water sources. If you are worried about the safety of bottled water, you need to read the relevant labels of bottled water carefully. In addition, a study published in 2018 by Fredonia University in New York analyzed 11 different brands of bottled water, all of which contained microplastics. Therefore, long-term drinking of bottled water will also cause harm to the body. From the analysis of data, it is pointed out that drinking bottled water is not completely safe.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of bottled water?

Bottled water has many advantages, such as portability and good taste. However, bottled water also has many disadvantages, the most important of which is environmental pollution. The following is an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of bottled water:


  • Convenience: Bottled water can be taken anywhere and can be drunk anytime, anywhere. It is easy to carry and is especially suitable for travel, sports, outdoor activities, and other occasions.
  • Safety: The production process of bottled water is subject to strict hygiene standards and supervision. According to the US Food and Drug Administration, they will be responsible for supervising bottled water products to ensure their safety for drinking.
  • Different water source options: Bottled water brands offer a variety of water source types, including natural spring water, mineral water, purified water, and distilled water.
  • Better taste: Bottled water that has been processed or sourced from natural spring water usually has a better taste and is suitable for those who are sensitive to the taste of water.


  • Environmental pollution: Most bottled water is contained in plastic bottles, and a large number of plastic bottles will flow into the ocean, causing serious environmental pollution.
  • Ingestion of microplastics: During storage and transportation, plastic particles may enter the water and be ingested by the human body. It may have chronic toxic effects on human health and increase the risk of disease.
  • Chemical pollutants: There may be trace amounts of chemical pollutants in bottled water, such as BPA, which may have adverse effects on human health over a long period.
  • Electrolyte imbalance: Some bottled water contains electrolyte components such as sodium and potassium. Excessive intake may cause these substances to accumulate and cause related diseases.
  • High cost: Bottled water is much more expensive. Long-term purchase of bottled water may bring significant financial burden.

Does bottled water expire?

Bottled water does not spoil like food, but it also has a shelf life. If you have opened the bottle cap, it is recommended that you drink it as soon as possible to avoid changes in the bottled water and drinking it will have an impact on your body.

Over time. The material of the plastic bottle may change, affecting the water quality and taste. Although all bottled water has a shelf life, bottled water can remain safe and drinkable for a longer period under reasonable storage conditions. If the bottled water is over the shelf life or stored improperly, it is best to check the taste and packaging integrity before drinking.

Which should you choose?

Whether you choose bottled water or filtered water depends on your needs.

Bottled water is very portable and is very suitable for users who travel. At the same time, there are many types of bottled water on the market, and you need to pay close attention to the labels of bottled water. In addition, some bottled water brands use natural spring water as a selling point, which is rich in minerals, tastes good, and has guaranteed quality. However, long-term reliance on bottled water is costly, and disposable plastic bottles cause serious pollution to the environment.

In contrast, filtered water provides a more environmentally friendly and economical solution, which is very suitable for daily use. If you are very concerned about water safety, then filtered water will be a good choice. Water filters can remove contaminants in water, especially reverse osmosis water filters, which can remove most contaminants in water to ensure that drinking water is purer. Although you may need to purchase water filter equipment in the early stages, filtered water will be more economical in the long run.


Does bottled water contain fluoride?

Bottled water may contain fluoride. Some bottled water may come from municipal tap water, which may contain fluoride. However, if the bottled water is processed through water treatment methods such as reverse osmosis and distillation, the fluoride is usually removed.

Is filtered water better than bottled water?

Both filtered water and bottled water have their advantages, and which one is better depends on your needs.

Is distilled water the same as bottled water?

No. Distilled water is made through a process of evaporation and condensation. This removes all dissolved substances from the water, including minerals, heavy metals, and contaminants. Bottled water, on the other hand, removes contaminants while retaining natural minerals and trace elements. However, distilled water is purer than most bottled water. Therefore, distilled water and bottled water are not the same.

Is bottled water just tap water?

Bottled water may come from tap water. The main sources of bottled water are artesian well water, mineral water, spring water, well water, and tap water.


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