What is distilled water? Is it safe to drink?

What is distilled water? Is it safe to drink?

Although distilled water is the purest form of water, removing 99.9% of dissolved inorganic matter, bacteria, and chemicals from the water, it is not easy to determine whether distilled water is safe to drink. The following will briefly discuss what distilled water is and whether it is safe to drink.

What is distilled water?

Distilled water is pure water obtained through the distillation process. Water is heated to boiling, converted into water vapor, and then cooled through a refrigeration unit to become liquid water. During the process, impurities, minerals, microorganisms, and dissolved solids in the water are effectively removed. Therefore, distilled water is generally considered to be very pure. Because it contains almost no impurities and minerals.

What is distilled water made of?

Distilled water is made from ordinary water through a distillation process. It can be ordinary, tap, river, and other water sources. The specific production steps are as follows:

  • In heating, ordinary water is heated to a boiling point to become water vapor.
  • In evaporation, water vapor rises and leaves the heating source, leaving most impurities and dissolved solids behind.
  • Condensation, water vapor passes through a condenser and cools back to liquid water to form pure distilled water.
  • Collection, pure distilled water is collected in a clean container.

Making distilled water through the above steps can remove all impurities in the water. The distilled water obtained by this process is almost pure.

What are the uses of distilled water?

Distilled water has many uses in various fields, mainly including the following aspects:

Laboratory and scientific research

Since distilled water does not contain any impurities, it is often used in chemical experiments, preparing solutions, and cleaning experimental equipment to ensure the accuracy of experimental results.

Medical and pharmaceutical

Used to prepare drugs, injections, and clean medical equipment to avoid the impact of impurities on patients.

Daily drinking water

They are used in irons and humidifiers to prevent scale accumulation and extend the life of equipment. Some people also like to drink distilled water because it does not contain impurities and pollutants.

Aquarium water filtration

Used for aquarium and fish tank water filtration to provide a purer water environment and protect the health of aquatic organisms.

Food and Beverages

Used to make high-quality drinking water, infant formula, and certain foods pure and high-purity. Distilled water is heated to evaporate the water and then condense it into a liquid, removing impurities and minerals from it, and making it useful in situations where high-purity water is required.

Is distilled water safe to drink?

Yes, distilled water is safe to drink. Distilled water is free of any impurities and minerals. If you drink distilled water for a long time, it will lead to a lack of minerals in the body, such as calcium and magnesium. Although mineral supplementation does not rely entirely on water, and minerals can be increased through food, distilled water without minerals tastes different from tap water or mineral water, so many people may not be used to drinking it.

Distilled water has a neutral pH value, but when exposed to air, it may absorb carbon dioxide and form trace amounts of carbonic acid, causing the pH value to slightly decrease (become slightly acidic). This has no significant effect on health, but it is worth noting. Some people worry that drinking distilled water for a long time may affect the electrolyte balance in the body, but this is usually not a problem if you have a balanced diet.

Water is very important to the human body, accounting for about 60%. But you need to make sure that drinking water is healthy and safe.

What is the pH of distilled water?

The pH of distilled water is usually around 7, which means it is neutral. However, distilled water absorbs carbon dioxide when exposed to air, forming carbonic acid, which may cause its pH to drop slightly to between 5.5-6.5, becoming slightly acidic. Nevertheless, pure distilled water should be close to neutral when it is freshly distilled.

Is drinking distilled water good for you?

Drinking distilled water has benefits as well as potential risks. Filtered distilled water is pure water and suitable for people who need to limit their mineral intake. However, due to the lack of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium, long-term drinking may cause electrolyte imbalance and other health problems. Overall, distilled water is safe to drink in moderation, but it is best to supplement enough minerals through diet. If you are sick or have a mineral deficiency, distilled water may not be a good choice.

Benefits of drinking water

Drinking water has many benefits for us, as follows:

  • Maintaining water balance in the body
  • Promoting digestion and excretion
  • Increasing energy levels
  • Lubricating joints and tissues

Why do we need minerals?

Minerals are essential nutrients for the human body, and electrolytes are essential minerals. Generally speaking, you can increase your mineral intake through diet, and vegetables and fruits are the best choices. Therefore, although the human body needs to supplement minerals, it generally does not rely on water, just eat more fruits and vegetables.

Difference between bottled water and distilled water

The difference between bottled water and distilled water lies in the ingredients and processing process.

Bottled water may come from many sources, such as mountain spring water, well water, etc. It is generally treated by various methods such as filtration, UV disinfection, and ozone treatment, but bottled water retains minerals, so it may taste better than distilled water. Different brands of bottled water have different added minerals. Bottled water is widely used in life because it is easy to carry and store. However, bottled water may contain microplastics, which may have an impact on the human body.

Distilled water is made through the distillation process, where water is heated to boiling, the steam is condensed and collected, and all impurities and minerals are removed. However, it may taste bland, and the production cost of distilled water is high.

Related: Purified vs distilled vs tap water what's the difference?

Will distilled water go bad?

Distilled water will not go bad easily under proper storage conditions. However, a loosely sealed container or an unclean container may cause distilled water to go bad. Therefore, you need to use the correct storage method and store distilled water in a dark, cool, and dry place.

How to store distilled water

The key to storing distilled water is to use clean, airtight containers and avoid direct sunlight. To maintain the quality of distilled water, you also need to change the storage container regularly to ensure the purity and safety of the distilled water.

Signs of poor distilled water

Signs of poor distilled water include the following:

  • Unusual taste or odor
  • Color or turbidity
  • Presence of sediment
  • Abnormal pH
  • High conductivity
  • Improper storage conditions

Alternatives to distilled water

In addition to distilled water, you can also choose reverse osmosis water, deionized water, etc. as alternatives.

Reverse osmosis water

Reverse osmosis water removes most impurities, minerals, and chemicals, and is close to the purity of distilled water. However, reverse osmosis does not remove as many minerals as distilled water, and it also removes odors and impurities, and has a refreshing taste. It is very suitable for daily use and cooking.

There are many types of reverse osmosis water filtration systems on the market, and you need to choose according to your needs. It is recommended that you choose the ITEHIL portable reverse osmosis water purifier, which can remove 99.99% of pollutants in water. It is portable and can be used anytime, anywhere.

Deionized water

Deionized water refers to pure water after impurities in ionic form have been removed. It uses ion exchange resin to remove anions and cations in water, but soluble organic matter still exists in the water.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does drinking distilled water cause dehydration?

Drinking distilled water will not cause dehydration. Distilled water will not contain any dissolved minerals and other substances, but it can still replenish water for the body.

Is it better to drink distilled water or purified water?

Distilled water is very pure because it removes all minerals and impurities through the distillation process, but it also lacks natural minerals. Long-term drinking may lead to mineral deficiency in the body. Purified water, on the other hand, removes most impurities through reverse osmosis or other filtration methods, but usually retains some beneficial minerals, tastes better, and is more suitable for daily drinking.

How to make distilled water drinkable?

Distilled water can be boiled and drunk, but it is not recommended for long-term drinking. If you want to drink it for a long time, you can use a reverse osmosis system with mineralization filtration, which can remove impurities in the water and add beneficial minerals.

Related: How to Remineralize RO Water?

What kind of water is the healthiest to drink?

Generally speaking, drinking filtered tap water, mineral water, and purified water is the healthiest. What kind of water to drink depends on factors such as purity and mineral content.


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