How to Remove Chlorine From Tap Water?

How to Remove Chlorine From Tap Water?

Most tap water in the United States contains a certain amount of chlorine. The main purpose of chlorine in tap water is to disinfect it, but chlorine may affect the taste of the water. If you have requirements for the taste of drinking water, you need to remove the chlorine through a water treatment system. This article will help you to understand why chlorine is added to water, how to remove chlorine from water, and other related issues.

What is Chlorine?

Chlorine is a common chemical element with various uses in many fields, including industry, medicine, agriculture, and daily life. Chlorine plays an important role in various industries, and its versatility makes it an indispensable component of many industrial processes. However, when using chloride, you need to pay attention to safety and environmental protection to ensure its reasonable and effective application.

Are chlorine and chloramine the same?

No. Although they are both used for disinfection and sterilization. But the chemical properties and uses of chlorine and chloramine are different. The main differences between them are:

Disinfection speed: Chlorine disinfects quickly, while chloramine disinfects slowly.

Stability: Chlorine has poor stability in water, while chloramine is more stable in water and is suitable for maintaining disinfection effects for a long time.

Byproducts: Chlorine may produce more harmful byproducts, while chloramine produces fewer byproducts.

Use scenarios: Chlorine is suitable for occasions where rapid disinfection is required in a short time, while chloramine is suitable for occasions where disinfection effects need to be maintained for a long time.

Why does tap water contain chlorine?

Chlorine is contained in tap water, mainly to disinfect and sterilize tap water. It can effectively kill bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms in water and prevent microorganisms from spreading diseases through drinking water. Generally, chlorine is usually added to the tap water treatment system for disinfection. Because it can eliminate most of the harmful microorganisms in the water, thus ensuring the safety of drinking water. At the same time, the continuous disinfection ability of chlorine can remain effective for a long time, ensuring that the process will not cause secondary contamination of drinking water.

Chlorine is a low-cost and easy-to-use disinfectant, which is very suitable for large-scale tap water treatment systems. In contrast, the addition and control of chlorine is relatively simple, and it can also prevent the accumulation of harmful byproducts in pipes. Therefore, the appropriate addition of chlorine in tap water can provide safe and healthy drinking water.

Is chlorine safe to drink?

According to EPA regulations, the chlorine content of municipal water in the United States shall not exceed 4 ppm. Therefore, if the chlorine content of tap water treated by the municipality does not affect health, as long as the chlorine content of drinking water does not exceed 4pmm, it can be safely drunk for a long time. If the chlorine content in the water exceeds 4ppm, long-term drinking of water with excessive chlorine content may cause health effects, which may cause the following symptoms:

  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Skin and mucous membrane irritation
  • Respiratory tract irritation
  • Kidney and liver burden

How to dechlorinate tap water quickly?

There are many ways to dechlorinate tap water quickly, and you can choose according to your needs and available equipment. Here are some common methods:


You can boil tap water for 15-20 minutes to volatilize the chlorine. This method can effectively remove chlorine from water. It is also a simple and frequently used method.

Reverse Osmosis Filtration

Reverse Osmosis (RO) system is one of the most popular water treatment systems. It uses the most advanced filtration method and the filtration effect is very efficient. It can filter all impurities in the water, including chlorine, through a semi-permeable membrane to filter molecules and ions in the water. You can choose to use the ITEHIL portable reverse osmosis water filter.

Related: What Is a RO System and How Does It Work?

Activated Carbon Filtration

Because activated carbon has a great adsorption effect, it can remove chlorine through attachment. You can use a portable activated carbon water filter, carbon filter water pitcher, and carbon filter water tap. Which one you choose depends on your needs. In short, all three activated carbon devices can effectively remove chlorine, but a portable activated carbon water filter can be carried at any time, and you can take it with you to filter clean drinking water outdoors.

What chemical removes chlorine from water?

There are several chemicals that can effectively remove chlorine from water, such as sodium thiosulfate, sodium sulfite, sodium bisulfite, etc. These chemicals react with chlorine and can convert chlorine into harmless compounds, thereby ensuring the safety of drinking water. However, this method is more suitable for aquariums, laboratories, industrial water treatment, etc.

What is the best filter to remove chlorine from drinking water?

The best filters to remove chlorine from drinking water are activated carbon filters and reverse osmosis filters. The ITEHIL portable reverse osmosis water filter uses PP cotton + activated carbon and RO filters for multi-layer filtration. It can effectively remove chlorine from water. At the same time, its filtration effect is as high as 99.99%, which is very efficient.

​The ITEHIL Reverse Osmosis filter is designed to be portable and easy to carry at all times, so if you are camping outside and want safer and healthier drinking water, ITEHIL reverse osmosis is your ideal choice. With it, you can obtain healthy and safe drinking water anytime and anywhere, which will greatly increase your outdoor drinking experience.

Is it safe to bathe with chlorine?

Bathing with chlorinated water is safe. Generally, the chlorine content of tap water is low and does not pose a health risk. At the same time, the presence of chlorine can help prevent the growth of pathogenic microorganisms in the water and ensure the safety of water quality. However, some people may be more sensitive to chlorine, and long-term use of chlorinated water may cause dry skin and itching. Therefore, if these situations occur, it is best to filter the water quality using methods such as boiling, activated carbon filtration, and reverse osmosis filtration.

Is chlorine safe for plants?

Whether chlorine is safe for plants depends on the chlorine content. If the chlorine content is low, it is safe for plants, but if the chlorine content is high, it may have certain effects on plants. The specific effects are as follows:

  • Stunted growth: High chlorine content will interfere with the normal physiological process of plants, absorb nutrients, and thus cause growth stagnation.
  • Leaf yellowing and scorching: High chlorine content will directly cause plant leaves to turn yellow and scorch.
  • Root damage: High concentrations of chlorine may damage the root system of plants, affect the absorption of water and nutrients, and further affect the health and growth of plants.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does distilled water remove chloride?

Yes, distilling water removes chlorides. During the distillation process, water is heated to boiling point, which turns it into steam, but the chlorides do not evaporate with the steam but remain in the original container.

How do you fix high chloride in well water?

You can use activated carbon, reverse osmosis, distillation, and other methods. Activated carbon absorbs chlorine molecules from the water. Reverse osmosis filters all impurities from the water, including chlorides. Distillation heats the water to boiling to produce steam, which then condenses back into a liquid state, removing nearly all dissolved impurities, including chlorides.

Does bottled water have chlorine?

Most bottled water does not contain chlorine. This is because bottled water filters out other impurities in the water and adds some minerals. You can check the ingredient list of bottled water for details. In the production process of bottled water, ultraviolet light or ozone may be used for disinfection, which does not involve chlorine.

Do water softeners remove chloride?

Water softeners cannot remove chlorine and chloramines. Water softeners mainly remove hardness minerals in water, such as calcium and magnesium ions.

Does baking soda neutralize chlorine in water?

No. Baking soda is an alkaline substance, and chlorine is a strong oxidant. Baking soda does not react significantly with chlorine and therefore cannot effectively neutralize chlorine.


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