ITEHIL RO & Hybrid Filter For ITEHIL Portable Water Filtration System

ITEHIL RO & Hybrid Filter For ITEHIL Portable Water Filtration System
Hybrid Filter
PP-Cotton filters out large particles like sediment and rust, while activated carbon adsorbs impurities such as chlorine and organic compounds, improving water quality and taste by removing odors and contaminants.
RO(Reverse Osmosis) Membranes Filter
ITEHIL can truly filter erverything harmfullly without H2O due to its RO (Reverse Osmosis)membranes with nano-scale pores (0.1 nm), smaller than other ordinary membranes (10-100 nm)
Life time:
RO Filter:600-800 Gallons
Hybrid Filter:300-400 Gallons
(Note:The filter life time here is from general outdoor water source. If you use it at home to filter water sources such as tap water, the life time will be longer.)